"A is for apples, some green and some red, B is for breakfast we're having in bed."
The alphabet as a preeminent organizing principle of knowledge, is unique. It is the foundation of additional organizing principles like words, sentences, paragraphs, the Magna Carta. More than that, however, the alphabet is a point of superlative decision. When confronted by an alphabet, I think 'out of all the "Es," this is the one I choose. Eggs. No..elephants! No, Ellen! Too many Es, not enough time!'
What would you choose for "E?" The superlative "E" in all its elegant fineness and exquisite.
For anyone drawing, describing, or lending their hand to an alphabet (like this unique version by my favorite nonsense poet, Edward Lear) the author will have chosen a top thing for every letter. Twenty-six decisions in all. Alphabets show us the artist as much as they show themselves.
For his 90th birthday in 2022, Quentin Blake (Born December 16, 1932), the long-time illustrator of Roald Dahl's fiction and biographies, issued a timeless imaginarium of his most beloved illustrations and inspirations, The Quentin Blake Treasury. It allowed me to revisit the magic space of Quentin Blake's mind, as ordered into the brilliance of our beloved alphabet.
Enjoy enthusiastically!

That's all. That's the end!